Relationship issues

As humans we have a natural instinct to form relationships with others and this is part and parcel of life. It can be a broad spectrum that can cover romantic partnerships, friends and even work colleagues.

Relationships can hit rocky ground where we don't know how to cope with problems and clashes that may cause the relationships to flounder. In the workplace this can cause tension and stress and in romantic relationships a failing bond can be life changing.

By talking through the situation with a counsellor clarity, understanding and acceptance can come allowing you to process how difficult relationships are affecting you. This can lead to a healing and may even enable bridges to be built.

Although I don't work with couples, I do see clients who are struggling to understand their position in a relationship and want help in working through the situation.

If you are experiencing any form of relationship difficulties with another person, whether it be a partner or spouse, a friend or a work colleague then I welcome your call. Together we can find a way to cope and bring acknowledgement of your own sense of self as you move forward in life.